
The highest certificate from FIVB Coaches Course
Level III - Train of the Trainers (Cairo, Egypt)

Thanks to Mr. John Kessel for giving me the opportunity to understand how can I teach, learn and coach better in volleyball and improve my self to the next level of coaching. But first and most important question is #HowToBeBetterCoach?!

Certificate Level II from FIVB International Coaching Course in Vilnius, Lithuania

After 6 days in Vilnius I passed the FIVB Coaches Course Level II after succesful completion of technical and practical conditions established by the International Coaching Commission. Thanks to FIVB Instructor Christian Kroeger.

European Diploma Supplement from
"National Sports Academy" in Sofia, Bulgaria

Information for my Qualification &
Professional status - Coach in Volleyball

Certificate from "Neo Skola" on
"Leadership in Sport and Business Life"
by Giovanni Guidetti! 
